
Time relentlessly marches on and you grow older year by year but do you have to look your age$%:

The easiest way to an instant face lift is to get a hair cut.

You see, long hair visually drags down your face, making you look more mature. Older. Go for a hair cut by a professional hair stylist for a cut that visually lifts your appearance, making you look years younger. Get you hair colored but ask your stylist for advice. Pick a color in the family of shades that suit your natural skin tone. Go lighter to soften your features. Darker hair color can be aging. If your hair is snow white, you might want to keep it that way. I have an aunt who let her hair stay white and she looks much younger than she did when her hair was black or any other color. I didn't notice any lines on her face and she looked vibrant. Stunning, actually.

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Next, look at your wardrobe. Do the clothes you wear age you$%: Specifically, do the colors you wear make you look tired$%: Drawn out$%: Older$%: Harsher$%:

Take some time to re evaluate your colors. You need four scarves or t-shirts or towels or fabrics large enough to drape around your face in these four colors. Royal blue, light blue, orange and peach. With these, you can evaluate the family of colors that flatter you best.

Sit in natural sunlight and look at your face carefully in the mirror. Drape the royal blue fabric around your face. Does the color make you look older$%: Younger$%: Tired$%: Radiant$%:

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Do that with each of the other three colors. Now which color makes you look your best$%:

  • If royal blue makes you look youngest, then your colors are black, pure white and the pure colors of the rainbow.
  • If light blue makes you look better, your colors are gray, pure white and pastel versions of rainbow colors
  • If orange is your best color, go for ivory, earth tones, brick, corals, turquoise, oranges, golds and the colors of autumn leaves.
  • If peach is your color, go for warmer pastels and ivory.

Throw out anything in your wardrobe that's not in your colors as those would make you look older. Replenish your wardrobe with clothes in colors that actually suit you. Do the same with your makeup colors

Talking about makeup, go easy on the eye liner. Smoky eyes might look sexy on a younger woman, but all that black eye liner and heavy shadow ages a woman past a certain age.

With your hair, wardrobe and makeup makeover, not only would you look younger, you'd feel younger as well.

After tackling the visual illusions, let's address the facts. The assumption is that as you get older, lines and wrinkles will appear. Aches and pains, loss of memory and deteriorating health accompanies the aging process. Does this have to be the case$%:

Not if modern technology has anything to do with it. Companies are eyeing the wallets of baby boomers as they march towards old age. The needs of the aging population is addressed by health and beauty companies determined to develop products that we'd stampede towards -- the fountain of youth.

Yes, there are botox shots that erase wrinkles temporarily. Then there is prevage [], a fluid created by the company that makes Botox. You apply it on your skin to halt the appearance of wrinkles. No needles required. That is just one of the many anti-aging skin care products developed to reduce the signs of aging.

As for aches and pains and all those age related ailments, taking care of your health as early as you can in life would help a lot.

  1. A nutritious diet
  2. Regular exercise
  3. Reading, playing chess or engaging in mentally stimulating activities

All these would let you feel younger. There are supplements to make you physically younger too. Human Growth Factor supplements (HGH) are among the more effective ones. You know how the fats pile on past a certain age$%: When you're younger, your metabolic rate is higher and the excess food burns off easily. As you get older, you find it harder and harder to lose weight. The fat gets more stubborn over the years. A lower level HGH is the culprit. It affects more than just the fat. Lower energy levels, a lack of muscle tone, all symptoms of aging are addressed with HGH supplements.

Here is how Human Growth Factor supplements [] work.

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